rTorrent is a very cool torrent client used in *nix based systems. I have been using it on my Apple TV now for a few weeks with very good results.
Recently the weather here in St. Louis has been stormy and it knocked out my electricity. When the power came back on, I couldn’t get rTorrent started and I was getting this error:
rtorrent: Could not lock session directory: “/Users/frontrow/.rtorrent_session/”, held by “appletv:+189”.
The fix was pretty easy, I went into the .rtorrent_session directory and removed the rtorrent.lock file.
cd ~/.rtorrent_session/
rm -f rtorrent.lock
That was all there was to it, once I removed the lock file I was able to start rTorrent.
Thanks, worked perfectly.
Thanks 🙂
Tnx mate, saved me couple of mins on research 🙂
Worked like a charm. THANK YOU!!
Thanks, works great!
Thank you!!
thx !
thaks, m8
Thanks! Had some power outages too.
I read a bunch of complicated solutions before getting to this one. First to actually work, and it did so perfectly!
Thanks! I wonder if there’s a way to detect and delete “stale” lock files in this case.
Thanks!! And now I know where all the cool command line kids hang out!! 😉
Thanks! That worked for me! 😀
thanks! worked like a charm
run this command at startup
rm “/home/jb/Downloads/torrent/.session/*.lock”
or (to load rtorrent as well) run this command at startup
rm “/home/jb/Downloads/torrent/.session/*.lock” ;rtorrent
or (to load rtorrent in background) run this command at startup
rm “/home/jb/Downloads/torrent/.session/*.lock” ;screen -d -m -S rtorrent rtorrent
Thanks Very Mush ! !
The issue seems to be caused when rtorrent is shut down after a connection loss
After removing the .lock file I still couldn’t start rtorrent and got the different message “couldn’t lock directory .session”. Turned out I couldn’t start rtorrent while I was still in the .session directory. After switching to ~home I could start rtorrent normaly.
Ryukia, that makes no sense but I’m glad you got it working.
2015 and this post still helpfull.
Thank you. ^_^
Yep, I ran into this exact issue a few weeks ago and referred back to here to remember what I did to fix it.
Thank you
I love you
Thanks man! Added this line to systemd daemon. Works like a charm 🙂
I’m having this issue, but I don’t have any files in the session directory. I’m trying to run rTorrent in a podman container, with the session directory being mounted in the host system. I have no idea why the permissions aren’t working since the owner is 1000:1000 (the user that runs the rTorrent binary in the container, and also the host system’s user). The permissions are drwxr-xr-x. I have also mounted the volume with the “z” option, so in my understanding it should automatically use the proper SELinux context as well. I wish there was a way to get a more detailed error message on why exactly the permissions don’t work.
Well, I fixed it. Apparently rTorrent does not like if the directory already exists by the time it is launched. I removed the mount from my compose file and it works now.