Error 691 when connecting through VPN on Windows 8 or Windows 10

After upgrading to Windows 8, I ran into an issue where I couldn't VPN into my old Windows Server 2003…

Keith Slater

Java not working in Chrome on OS X (Lion)

If you have upgraded your browser to Lion, you have probably noticed that Java doesn't run in your browser anymore.…

Keith Slater

WordPress hack that only displays for Google

It took me a minute to figure out this one. I noticed when I searched for my blog in Google…

Keith Slater

Protect yourself in case your laptop gets lost or stolen

Prey is a great program that you can install on a laptop just in case it gets lost or stolen…

Keith Slater

How to synchronize an Exchange and Google Calendar to the iPhone

Edit 5-28-2012: I've been going through old posts to update them. There is a much easier way to do this…

Keith Slater